Devotion Dec 3

Psalm 25: 4-5

Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long.

     This is such an excellent prayer to pray before daily Bible and devotional readings. It helps to centre our mind and heart to focus on what is being read, praying for the Holy Spirit to guide us as we read His word. Daily readings, especially in the morning, are so important and helpful to prepare us for the day ahead. Praise God, He is always ready to give us direction if we just ask. Asking may be easy to do yet it may not be so easy to hear what He says. Sometimes we need patiently to wait and focus our listening ears to hear His still small voice. And when we hear and understand, what a blessing there may be for us to find. 

From Sarah Young’s book, Jesus Lives: “ If you’re uncertain about your direction, ask him to show you the way…. The more you seek My Spirit’s help and yield to his loving guidance, the better your life will be. When you don’t know how to pray as you should, cry out, ‘ Help me, Holy Spirit!’” 


Prayer: Father God, I pray for a heart willing to listen to your guidance and wisdom daily. Help me to learn to focus as I read your word. Help me to recognize your Holy Spirits leading and to be willing to follow. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen!

        - Barbara Martin