Devotion Dec 17
Isaiah 12:5-6
Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously; let this be known in all the earth. Shout aloud and sing for joy, O royal Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.”
The elderly couple had been waiting patiently for their roof to be replaced. Late in the summer the carpenter arrived with his crew. One young man caught the woman’s eye with his great dexterity, carrying a heavy load of shingles up the ladder. When the woman asked the carpenter if the young man was his son the answer was no. The carpenter sat and shared his story about the young man…
One morning I awoke and looked out at the park across from me. I saw a man lying on the grass with his dog. I walked across and asked the young man why he was sleeping on the grass. He responded that he was homeless. The carpenter asked him to come to his house and fed him and offered him his empty apartment, and filled the cupboards with food.
The couple felt very moved and overwhelmed by the carpenter’s story and wanted to help. They decided they should share their meal with the carpenter and young man who were happy to accept their offering of a meal.
When the roof was finished, the whole crew came into the couples’ home and shared pizza and cookies with them. There was lively conversation with much laughter and the Lord was in their midst, smiling.
Prayer: Help us to see the “good” in others and share your joy with others. Amen.
- Sandy Corkum