Sun, Dec 3 Devotional

Isaiah 64:1 O that you would tear open the heavens and come down,  so that the mountains would quake at your presence

      Today is the first day of Advent.  Each individual starts on their journey toward Bethlehem, where we meet the Christ-child.  Over the past summer in Canada, we experienced forest fires in nearly every province.  I think of the forest fires in NS., and how in a few seconds entire subdivisions were wiped out and humanity lost everything, except for the clothes on their backs.  I am sure there were those who asked where is God in this muddle.

This draws my mind back to the Old Testament scriptures whereby the remnant of Israel were recalling the faithfulness of God and the way He led them into and through the wilderness.  They remembered His compassion and kindness, when their forefathers were enslaved in the land of Egypt and the Lord redeemed them.  The grief they were currently experiencing due to being in captivity for several years was translated into a prayerful petition.  Isaiah 64:1 O that You would tear open the heavens and come down, so that the mountains would quake at Your presence.

The Israelites could not see themselves ever being released from their captivity; they were unable to see God working in their lives to help them.  So they decide to ask God to show himself to them by opening the heavens and making the mountains quake.  Mountains shaking meant God was present on earth.

As we prepare throughout this Advent Season for the arrival of Christmas and the celebration of the Christ child let us remember we do not always see God working but we can trust that he is there.  Come, Lord Jesus.  Amen.

  -Rev. Marlene Quinn