Mon, Dec 26 Devotional

 Unto us a boy is born! The King of all creation,

Came He to a world forlorn, The Lord of every nation.

          Christmas is past, the tree and decorations are put away.  Many days and money were spent for yesterday’s big party.  For what reason-just to have a big party, or was it for another reason?  Did you open your Bible and read Luke’s account of the birth of baby Jesus?  Did you bow your heads and thank God?

The baby Jesus grew to manhood to be our Saviour.  At the age of 30, He started His three year mission of teaching, preaching and healing.  Great crowds followed HIM.  The religious leaders hated Him and made plans to crucify Jesus.  Besides being our Saviour, Jesus gave us three more gifts.

Death: Jesus died on a cruel roman cross bearing our sins in His body and shedding His blood to wash away our sins; so we can stand before God the Father - justified - just as if we had never sinned.

Resurrection: After lying in the grave from Friday sunset to sunrise Sunday, Jesus arose and appeared to His disciples and faithful followers.  Someday, we too shall arise to be with Him.

Ascension: Jesus told His disciples to go to a nearby mountain where He would meet them.  He spoke His last words and told them “...go and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:19.  He ascended through the clouds and is seated by God, His Father.  One day we shall ascend to be with Jesus in that most beautiful placed called HEAVEN.

Is Jesus your Saviour?  He’s mine!

      - Eben Lennox